
Five companies to compete for most innovative computer vision startup — live, online on July 16, 2020 from 9-10 am PT

SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 29, 2020 — The Edge AI and Vision Alliance today announced the finalists for the 2020 Vision Tank, the Alliance’s annual start-up competition that showcases the best new ventures using computer vision in their products. The public can watch and participate in the on-line judging on July 16, 2020 at 9 am PT by registering at https://embeddedvisionsummit.com/vision-tank; attendance is free but pre-registration is required.

During the live, online event, each finalist will pitch their company and product to a panel of judges in an effort to win the Judges’ Award. The audience will also have an opportunity to vote on their start-up of choice. At the end of the session, the judges will announce the winner of the Judges’ Award as well as the Audience Choice Award. The finalists are:

  • Eydaptic improves eyesight for people with age-related macular degeneration using augmented reality glasses powered by proprietary software.
  • Hayden AI develops an artificial intelligence-powered data platform for traffic law enforcement and parking management.
  • Owl Autonomous Imaging Inc. designs high-definition 3D thermal Imagers with high-precision ranging to enable safe operation of autonomous things in all weather, day or night.
  • Ramona Optics is combining machine learning with novel optics to reinvent what is possible with the first gigapixel microscope that can capture cellular-level detail over hundreds of square centimeters.
  • SLAMcore creates simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms that allow robots and drones to truly understand the space around them.

“This year we received dozens of Vision Tank entries. From this crowded field, our judges selected these five finalists based on their technical innovations, business plans, teams and business opportunities,” said Jeff Bier, founder of the Edge AI and Vision Alliance. “Today, we’re seeing faster-than-ever innovation in practical computer vision technology and applications, and much of this innovation is being driven by pioneering start-ups like these five Vision Tank finalists.”

About the Embedded Vision Summit

The Embedded Vision Summit, the premier conference for innovators adding computer vision and AI to products, will be held as a virtual, online event on September 15-25, 2020 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am – 2 pm PT. The Summit is the only event focused exclusively on deployable computer vision and visual AI, attracting a global audience of companies developing vision-enabled products. The 2020 Summit will feature more than 100 presentations and dozens of exhibitors and technology demos. For the latest updates on the Embedded Vision Summit, follow @EmbVisionSummit on Twitter or visit https://www.embeddedvisionsummit.com.

About the Edge AI and Vision Alliance

The Edge AI and Vision Alliance is a worldwide industry partnership bringing together technology providers and end product companies who are creating and enabling innovative and practical applications for computer vision and edge AI. Membership is open to any company that supplies or uses technology for edge AI and vision systems and applications. For more information on the Alliance, visit https://www.edge-ai-vision.com/.



Brianna Crowl 

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