
Louis Gobin, AI Product Marketing Engineer at STMicroelectronics, demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Gobin demonstrates the work of Seeed, using STMicroelectronics and NVIDIA solutions.

Gobin shows the Seeed Wio Lite AI board based on a STM32H7 microcontroller. The STM32H7 runs a real-time person-detection algorithm created with NVIDIA’s TAO Toolkit and optimized with the STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud. When the TAO-enabled model on the STM32H7 sees people present, it wakes a NVIDIA Embedded Jetson Orin to do the much more computationally intensive people-recognition task. Find more information at https://stm32ai.st.com.

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