
Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) in Computer Vision

This technical article was originally published at Axelera AI’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Axelera AI. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) still dominate today’s computer vision. Recently, however, networks based on transformer blocks have also been applied to typical computer vision tasks such as object classification, detection, and segmentation, attaining state-of-the-art results …

Multilayer Perceptrons (MLP) in Computer Vision Read More +

Is the New NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Really a Game Changer? We Benchmarked It

This technical article was originally published by SmartCow AI Technologies. It is reprinted here with the permission of SmartCow AI Technologies. On March 22th 2022, NVIDIA announced the availability of its new edge computing platform, the Jetson AGX Orin™ developer kit. The production version is being released on Q4 2022 at roughly the same price …

Is the New NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin Really a Game Changer? We Benchmarked It Read More +

Managing Video Streams in Runtime with the NVIDIA DeepStream SDK

This technical article was originally published at NVIDIA’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Transportation monitoring systems, healthcare, and retail have all benefited greatly from intelligent video analytics (IVA). DeepStream is an IVA SDK. DeepStream enables you to attach and detach video streams in runtime without affecting the entire deployment. This …

Managing Video Streams in Runtime with the NVIDIA DeepStream SDK Read More +

Autonomous Self-Driving Technology in Greenhouses and Outdoors

Autonomous self-driving greenhouse tow-tractors with Cyberworks Robotics retrofit system based on Intel RealSense cameras For Fernlea Flowers, implementing AGV tractors was key to providing a safe working environment for their employees while improving efficiencies and order fulfilment. Retrofitting these vehicles for autonomous driving ensures safe working distances can be maintained without sacrificing efficiency while minimising …

Autonomous Self-Driving Technology in Greenhouses and Outdoors Read More +

Building and Deploying a Face Mask Detection Application Using NGC Collections

This technical article was originally published at NVIDIA’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. AI workflows are complex. Building an AI application is no trivial task, as it takes various stakeholders with domain expertise to develop and deploy the application at scale. Data scientists and developers need easy access to software …

Building and Deploying a Face Mask Detection Application Using NGC Collections Read More +

Coherent Logix Configures Edge AI

This technical article was originally published on The Linley Group website on behalf of Coherent Logix. It is reprinted here with the permission of The Linley Group and Coherent Logix. After spending 15 years targeting military/aerospace, software-defined radios (SDRs), and other niche applications, Coherent Logix is expanding into the commercial edge-AI market. Customers have deployed …

Coherent Logix Configures Edge AI Read More +

Implementing a Real-time, AI-Based, Face Mask Detector Application for COVID-19

This technical article was originally published at NVIDIA’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Businesses are constantly overhauling their existing infrastructure and processes to be more efficient, safe, and usable for employees, customers, and the community. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s even more important to have advanced analytics apps and services …

Implementing a Real-time, AI-Based, Face Mask Detector Application for COVID-19 Read More +

Enhancing Robotic Applications with the NVIDIA Isaac SDK 3D Object Pose Estimation Pipeline

This blog post was originally published at NVIDIA’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. In robotics applications, 3D object poses provide crucial information to downstream algorithms such as navigation, motion planning, and manipulation. This helps robots make intelligent decisions based on surroundings. The pose of objects can be used by a …

Enhancing Robotic Applications with the NVIDIA Isaac SDK 3D Object Pose Estimation Pipeline Read More +

Face Mask Detection in Street Camera Video Streams Using AI: Behind the Curtain

This article was originally published at Tryolabs’ website. It is reprinted here with the permission of Tryolabs. In the new world of coronavirus, multidisciplinary efforts have been organized to slow the spread of the pandemic. The AI community has also been a part of these endeavors. In particular, developments for monitoring social distancing or identifying …

Face Mask Detection in Street Camera Video Streams Using AI: Behind the Curtain Read More +

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