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Practical AI and computer vision technology is being developed for systems that span virtually every application, and many of these application areas will experience huge growth rates. With trendsetting products demonstrating what is possible, system designers have discovered that the suppliers of computer vision technology have removed the barriers to building practical computer vision systems—unleashing a huge wave of innovation for new products and applications.

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Hailo Demonstration of Smart Cameras for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Yaniv Iarovici, Head of Business Development at Hailo, demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Iarovici demonstrates Hailo’s AI capabilities for smart cameras in intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Iarovici demonstrates various smart cameras which perform advanced video analytics for license plate recognition and other

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Towards 90% of Cars Connected in 2028: What are the Driving Forces?

This market research report was originally published at the Yole Group’s website. It is reprinted here with the permission of the Yole Group. The automotive connectivity module market is anticipated to reach more than US$6 billion by 2028. OUTLINE The connectivity module market for telematics and V2X applications will reach US$6.1 billion in 2028 with

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Level 3 Vehicles are On the Road: When Will They be Mainstream?

Now that Mercedes is rolling out driverless SAE level 3 technologies in Germany and the US, the question that everyone in the automotive market is asking is, “when and how will this trickle down to mass market?”. IDTechEx’s new report, “Autonomous Cars, Robotaxis and Sensors 2024-2044“, provides the answer. Time and again, Mercedes’ flagship luxury

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Hailo Demonstration of Art of Logic’s Video Management System

Yaniv Iarovici, Head of Business Development at Hailo, demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Iarovici demonstrates a powerful, complete video management system (VMS) solution for public safety and security. The VMS leverages the Samurai Detect video analytics application developed by Hailo’s software partner,

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Cadence Demonstration of In-vehicle Infotainment

Amol Borkar, Director of Product and Marketing for Vision and AI DSPs at Cadence Tensilica, demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Borkar demonstrates an automotive in-vehicle infotainment system, implemented on a customer’s platform and featuring the Tensilica Vision DSP. Infotainment is an important

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What is a Flow Cytometer and How Does It Work?

This blog post was originally published at e-con Systems’ website. It is reprinted here with the permission of e-con Systems. Embedded vision technology plays an important role in flow cytometers. They enable the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of large amounts of cellular data in real time. Find out what flow cytometers can do, how they

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Emerging SAE Level 3 Cars and Autonomous MaaS Drive 10-year CAGR of 13% in Automotive Sensor Markets

For more information, visit https://www.idtechex.com/en/research-report/autonomous-cars-robotaxis-and-sensors-2024-2044/953. It’s an exciting time for the autonomous and automated vehicle industry with the maturity of next generation technologies evolving rapidly and driverless services coming of age. This report provides a clear understanding of what technologies are available on the market, how they have been adopted so far, and how they

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Edge Impulse Demonstration of FOMO: Constrained Object Detection on Embedded Devices

Shawn Hymel, Senior Developer Relations Engineer at Edge Impulse, demonstrates the company’s latest edge AI and vision technologies and products at the 2023 Embedded Vision Summit. Specifically, Hymel demonstrates (“Faster Objects, More Objects”), a novel machine learning algorithm that brings object detection to highly constrained devices. FOMO lets you count objects, find the location of

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How are CMOS Cameras Used In Cell Imaging and Molecular Imaging?

This blog post was originally published at e-con Systems’ website. It is reprinted here with the permission of e-con Systems. CMOS cameras have revolutionized the fields of cell imaging and molecular imaging, providing accurate and detailed information about cellular and molecular processes. e-con Systems offers high-performance CMOS cameras designed for cell imaging and molecular imaging,

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