
How GPUs Help Computers Understand What They’re Seeing

This article was originally published at NVIDIA's blog. It is reprinted here with the permission of NVIDIA. Researchers have been able to advance computerized object recognition to once unfathomable levels, thanks to GPUs. Building on the work of neural network pioneers Kunihiko Fukushima and Yann LeCun – and more recent efforts by teams at the …

How GPUs Help Computers Understand What They’re Seeing Read More +


Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition on Mobile Processors

There is a growing need for fast and power-efficient computer vision on embedded devices. This session will focus on computer vision capabilities on embedded platforms available to ADAS developers, covering the OpenCV CUDA implementation and the new computer vision standard, OpenVX. In addition, Itseez traffic sign detection will be showcased. The algorithm is capable of …

Real-Time Traffic Sign Recognition on Mobile Processors Read More +


Getting Started With GPU-Accelerated Computer Vision Using OpenCV and CUDA

OpenCV is a free library for research and commercial purposes that includes hundreds of optimized computer vision and image processing algorithms. NVIDIA and Itseez have optimized many OpenCV functions using CUDA on desktop machines equipped with NVIDIA GPUs. These functions are 5 to 100 times faster in wall-clock time compared to their CPU counterparts. Anatoly …

Getting Started With GPU-Accelerated Computer Vision Using OpenCV and CUDA Read More +

Create ‘Machines That See’ Using Industry Resources

This article is an expanded and updated version of one originally published at Design News. It is reprinted here with the permission of Design News. This article explores the opportunity for incorporating visual intelligence in electronic products, introduces an industry alliance created to help engineers implement such capabilities, and describes an upcoming technical education forum …

Create ‘Machines That See’ Using Industry Resources Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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