
Edge AI and Vision Insights: September 27, 2023 Edition

MULTIMODAL PERCEPTION Frontiers in Perceptual AI: First-person Video and Multimodal Perception First-person or “egocentric” perception requires understanding the video and multimodal data that streams from wearable cameras and other sensors. The egocentric view offers a special window into the camera wearer’s attention, goals, and interactions with people and objects in the environment, making it an …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: September 27, 2023 Edition Read More +

Edge AI and Vision Insights: September 13, 2023 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, You probably won’t be surprised that 84% of vision-based product developers are using DNNs. But did you know that 80+% are using non-neural network vision or imaging algorithms? Those are just two findings from last year’s Computer Vision and Perceptual AI Developer Survey. The Edge AI and Vision Alliance …

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Edge AI and Vision Insights: August 30, 2023 Edition

SOFTWARE TOOLSETS Visual Anomaly Detection with FOMO-AD Virtually all computer vision machine learning models involve classification—for example, “how many humans are in the frame?” To train such a model, you need examples of every class of object the model is intended to detect. But what happens when a new type of object appears? Ask a …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: August 30, 2023 Edition Read More +

Edge AI and Vision Insights: August 16, 2023 Edition

LOW-POWER SENSING AND PROCESSING Battery-powered Edge AI Sensing: A Case Study Implementing Low-power, Always-on Capability The trend of pushing AI/ML capabilities to the edge brings design challenges around the need to combine high-performance computing (for AI/ML algorithms) with low power consumption (to enable battery-powered sensing systems). Designers are often faced with a choice between using …

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Edge AI and Vision Insights: August 2, 2023 Edition

DEVELOPMENT TOOL ADVANCEMENTS Deploy Your Embedded Vision Solution on Any Processor Vision-based product developers have a vast array of processors to choose from. Unfortunately, each processor has its own unique tool chain. This makes it difficult for developers to evaluate processor options and target different processors for different product needs. Fortunately, there’s Edge Impulse Studio—a …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: August 2, 2023 Edition Read More +

Edge AI and Vision Insights: July 19, 2023 Edition

VISION PROCESSING AND ACCELERATION M1 NPU Delivers Flexibility, Accuracy, Efficiency and Performance For a growing range of applications, deploying AI in the real world means running various models at the edge. Fortunately, powerful edge processors are increasingly capable of handling demanding AI workloads. But performance alone is not sufficient. To meet the needs of real-world …

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Edge AI and Vision Insights: July 5, 2023 Edition

IMPROVING VISION PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Five Things You Might Overlook on Your Next Vision-enabled Product Design When you think about building a vision-enabled product, you probably think about things like: Which processor am I going to use? What neural network will it run? Where will I get the training data? These are important questions that need …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: July 5, 2023 Edition Read More +

Edge AI and Vision Insights: June 21, 2023 Edition

OPEN SOURCE-BASED DEVELOPMENT TECHNIQUES Using Kubernetes to Speed Development and Deployment of Edge Computer Vision Applications In this 2022 Embedded Vision Summit presentation, Rakshit Agrawal, Vice President of Research and Development at Camio, presents real-world deployments of computer vision solutions using Kubernetes and shows how containerization enables continuous AI updates on a massive scale at …

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Edge AI and Vision Insights: June 7, 2023 Edition

EMBEDDED VISION MARKET TRENDS AND PROCESSING SOLUTIONS Big Trends in Computer Vision: Health and Safety, Retail and Consumer Electronics Over the last few years computer vision technology has penetrated dozens of markets. The value of the computer vision market when this presentation was delivered at the 2022 Embedded Vision Summit was predicted to hit $48B …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: June 7, 2023 Edition Read More +

Edge AI and Vision Insights: May 17, 2023 Edition

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Colleague, It’s almost here! Next week, May 22-24 to be exact, the Embedded Vision Summit will be returning to the Santa Clara, California Convention Center. As the premier conference and tradeshow for practical, deployable computer vision and edge AI, the Summit focuses on empowering product creators to bring perceptual intelligence …

Edge AI and Vision Insights: May 17, 2023 Edition Read More +

Here you’ll find a wealth of practical technical insights and expert advice to help you bring AI and visual intelligence into your products without flying blind.



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